Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fellowship At Dankook University!

Last week we started going to Dankook University in beautiful outskirts of Cheonan city to meet with some Korean students to fellowship and talk English. We join with an on-campus Christian club called UBF, or University Bible Fellowship.

Now, we were told beforehand that we'd just have some time of fellowship with these other Christians here, and chat and hang out for a bit, but not have an English class. However, one Korean pastor who seemed to help run it seemed to be giving me some packet of paper with English learning stuff on it, and I believe he said "study" a couple times as he was explaining it. I also couldn't help but notice that a few people would casually refer to our meeting time as "class". Heheh. So is it fellowship time or English class? Perhaps a little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B, as my good friend Casey likes to say.

It seems, though, that we've decided to forgo the aforesaid English packet and have more free-talking. That'll be nicer, I think. More like fellowship. Yet still good English practice. See, as native English speakers who don't know Korean, it's much easier to practice conversation than to teach things like grammar if the person doesn't have a good English base.

I look forward to being able to get to know these students at Dankook University. Not all those who come to things like this are born again believers in Christ, so it's a good opportunity to share the light of Christ with them, and hook them up with Korean Christian friends (especially if their English isn't that great). Sweet stuff!

1 comment:

  1. sweet man. bring yo Bible and talk about Jesus. thanks for the update :]
